
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

DIY Day: The Easiest Kentucky Project in the Universe

By now, most of us have jumped on the "Kentucky State Love" bandwagon. I'm certainly guilty--some would say I am drivin' the bus! Although I'm not exactly sure when the trend started, suddenly we're all drawing Kentucky on a canvas and sticking a heart over our hometown. (Hey, I did it too! Witness it here) What I'm trying to say is... state pride reached a new level. Personally, I have lived and loved every second of it. 
SO! If you're like me and constantly waving that Kentucky flag, allow me to introduce you to the EASIEST DIY Project in the UNIVERSE.

When I say this is easy, I mean, I found myself asking whether it was even necessary to make a tutorial when I could post a picture and every single one of you could figure out exactly how it was made. But, it was SO simple to make the tutorial, I went ahead and knocked myself out.


There you have it!

Is that not the EASIEST DIY ever? Take it from someone who does a LOT of DIY'ing with a less than average success rate---YOU CANNOT MESS THIS UP!

What I love so much about this is that it isn't in-your-face. The patterns I chose to use are essentially big and little versions of each other, giving it a very "cohesive look." (LOL at my DIY language) But, by all means, make Kentucky stand out a little more with a solid color, contrasting colors, or a completely different print. I think it would be nearly impossible to go wrong here. 

100% of the materials I used were things I had at home already. That means this project cost me approximately $0.00. It doesn't get ANY better than that. 

In a refreshing and patriotic turn of events, I decided to do another version using the U.S. of A....and I kind of love it!


Friday, July 25, 2014

Sassy Sunflower / Random 5 Friday

1. OH, the best laid plains still require flexibility. 
COMING SOON: DIY tutorial for these simple and affordable stackable bracelets
...only 12,054 minutes until the video uploads to YouTube. That translates to 200.9 hours!

2. Counting the days until I'm here. Not too long now.

3. I made a new friend while shooting my "Sassy Sunflower" header.

Meet "Lexi"
4. This week, the sky looked like a page in my old I Spy book (you know the one I'm talking about) and I took a million iPhone photos. Here's one.

5. Finally, number 5 is for my Dad, the birthday boy. I sure hope you don't mind me telling the world you are 64! They probably wouldn't believe me anyway.

For those that don't know Stan, let me introduce you. He's the awesome man that paid for that piece of paper I'm holding!

He has a YouTube Channel complete with hundreds of subscribers and hundreds of thousands of views. Here I am, can't even get my first video to upload. Props, Pops!

Everyone says I resemble my mom, but I'm proud to say I got my love of sauce from my dad. I'm a Shuffett and the Shuffett's are a sauce-eating people. We will put Barbecue or chocolate sauce on literally anything (within reason).

Thank you, Dad, for also passing on the Stan Shuffett gene of setting a goal and going for it with every bit of your heart and soul! I have always admired your dedication and endless motivation for the game of pool and have tried to mimic that kind of spirit in various areas of my life.

Thank you for always asking "have you practiced pi-nanner today?" all throughout my childhood. Light-heartedly calling it "pi-nanner"made me feel like you would understand if I told the truth and said "nope!" Also, thank you for promptly making me practice the pi-nanner.

Thank you for telling the same jokes over and over because now, I'm fully armed with a funny joke (cue "zi-zors" or the famous "instincts" joke) at a moment's notice.

Dad, thanks for eating most of the Gluten-free cake I made even though you vocalized that it did not taste good. I didn't need it anyway! I'll be fighting you over the the gluten-filled birthday dessert I'm planning to make for tomorrow.

Here is a picture of my Dad taken with his dad on my 22nd birthday. Two of the greatest men EVER.

See you on TUESDAY! :D

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

You Complete Me

As an extension of Friday's post-pageant post, I'm giving attention to those who are the reason I walk away from an era of my life with such optimism. 

To my family:
Mom, Dad, Mamaw, Papaw, & Landon

Thank you for lovin' me unconditionally, through my stubbornness and all. Thanks for giving me the tools (and the toolbox) to accomplish my long and ever-growing list of goals. For all the things you "made" me do, I am finally at the "you'll thank me someday" stage. You can sigh with relief now! Thank you for paving the way to adulthood with love and laughter (mostly at Dad) and lots and lots of good music. 

To my second family: The Bennetts
Joel, Suzanne, Hannah, Daniel, Lydia, & Harper

Thank you for creating Team KileY! You have played so many roles in my life in the past three years, I can only imagine how many more adventures we will all go on together. Of all the things I can now do, I'm excited to be able to eat Joel's delicious cooking whenever he offers it! Thanks for taking me in and making me an honorary member of your amazing family. I wave the Bennett flag loud and proud!

To Wild, Wild Joey:

Joey, what else is there to say other than: I love you more than a horn toad loves sittin' out on his rock in the middle of the desert.

Mushy gushy just ain't our style.

To Natalie:

My birthday twin, my friend, and my source for all things sparkly! I know you've received countless thank you notes from me for various other things, but thank you AGAIN for your sponsorship of the famous "Kentucky necklaces." Myself and 31 other KY ladies wear them proudly! I continually rave about your products and your personality--both beautiful. My jewelry box and my heart are a little fuller now! (Had to say it.)

To Suellen: 

I made my bed just to take this photo! Thank you for the many, many years of life and music lessons taught from the rocking chair beside your piano. This blanket has been with me through thick and thin. It was the "fuzzy, music-themed" blanket I wrapped myself in backstage before my final performance onstage at Miss Kentucky. Thank you, thank you for your support and love beginning the moment I knocked on your door at age 15!

The Farmers:
Todd and Joni

You two have been such wonderful and valuable companions on my journey this year. Thank you for welcoming me into your home and joining my inner circle of trusted advisors. Your kindness is unmatched! While trying to take this photograph, it seems Belle loves this gift as much as I do. This sassy lady and her piano will have a special place in my next home--wherever that is. Thank you so much for helping in my personal and musical growth this year.

To my Bluegrass Princess, Reese:

You've been on the Miss Kentucky stage as many times as I have! Thank you for adding excitement and sass to the evening gown portion of my life :) You don't know it, but you have made a bigger impact on me than you could ever imagine. Let's do lunch sometime, girlfriend! I've got to hear all about that 6th grade life.

The absolute BEST gift ever!

Last but not least...

These girls:
Laura, Sam, Evie, & Val 

You're the most patient, understanding, funny, and loyal friends anyone could ask for. You encourage me to do my thing and that is what makes you so great...aside from all the things I just mentioned. Here's to more picture collages, secret santa parties, doritos, weddings, babies, and all that other grown-up stuff I still can't believe we are about to experience. Braxton Lee Smith doesn't know he's getting 4 crazy aunts come September!

See y'all on Friday, when I talk about something that doesn't make me an emotional hot mess.

Friday, July 18, 2014

It is What it Is

Relaxing, sipping alka-seltzer, and eating meringue cookies, I am truly content with where I sit. My stomach isn't content with all this "new" food after months and months of clean eating (hence the alka-seltzer), but hey, a new passion for baking (hence the meringues) has been ignited in my soul and I ain't gonna complain.

I DIDN'T WIN MISS KENTUCKY. There, it's out! Most, probably all, of you know that because you are amazing and have been such loyal supporters of that unique chapter in my life. Before I dig deep into all the emotions--and there are many, many emotions--of non-winning I want you to know that this is a no pity zone. That chapter of my life is and was a chapter. It ended and the story continued, just like that.

Becoming Miss America was one of the first real goals I ever set. Ten years ago, I decided I would become Miss Kentucky 2013 and subsequently Miss America 2014. Why exactly I chose those particular years, I don't know, but it sounded right to 13-year-old Kiley.

In 2013, I was named first runner up to Jenna Day--close, but not quite there. What did I do when Plan A fell through? I readjusted my plan ever so slightly. I would be Miss Kentucky 2014, Miss America 2015.

I am well aware of the "1st Runner Up" curse. The 'too good to be true, it's "your" turn, better live up to expectation' expectation everyone has...but forget about everyone else. I am the only one who controls how much or how little I prepare. To prevent the "curse" from ringing true, I made sure to put in the hours. I won't go into all the details of my prep, because who cares now? The point is, I worked harder than I, Kiley, had ever worked before. I didn't love every second of it, but I was convinced it would all add up to the greatest sum: the achievement of a goal I set long before I realized I had no control over it whatsoever.

To compare what I felt the week of Miss Kentucky to the feeling of complete knowingness and conscious acceptance of the role in the hundreds of days leading up to it, would be comparing hot fudge to a hairbrush. 

For starters, my hair gave me 'tude all week long, I had the biggest of all zits EVER (I called her Big Mama and she lived on my chin), and the healthy, fit body I had worked so hard for was tired and not responding well to food or caffeine. Mentally, I powered through it, because the name of the game is mind over matter. But, no amount of mental or physical preparation (nor the perfect balance of the two) can change your fate. So, there's that.

The night before my interview, Big Mama packed her bags, left town, and I felt the favor of the universe! At least this tiny thing was going to go my way. I got ready and snapped a mirror pic (c'mon, we ALL do it) and thought "if nothing else, I FEEL good for the first time all week." 

I've struggled with the idea of re-visiting my interview, but really, all I can say is this: it wasn't my best and it wasn't my worst. MOVING ON! It gets better.

On Thursday night I competed in the Swimsuit and Evening Gown portions of competition. Although I didn't come away with a preliminary swimsuit award, I didn't trip/fall nor did my butt glue malfunction--a successful night, indeed. 

Then comes Friday. On Friday, I performed talent and answered an onstage question about my platform issue. Talent, which accounts for the most points, and Onstage Question (OSQ), which accounts for the least, can be the two most daunting phases of competition if you let them. 

I don't get wrapped up in worry and dread over OSQ. In fact, I get more nervous for evening gown, where there is a REAL possibility my shoe will get caught in the lining of my dress and, like Humpty Dumpty, I will have a great fall.

But to even get to OSQ, I must first perform my talent. And this is where it gets good. As you may know, I play piano. This year, I chose to perform Fantasie Impromptu by Frederic Chopin. There's a long story explaining the reasons why I chose this piece, but in short...It was a PERSONAL challenge.

From the moment I first sat down to learn this piece to the moment I took the stage last Friday night, I was aware that I needed to nail it. This piece demands that you play it, and I mean really play it, and if you don't, I'm sure Mr. Chopin would prefer you simply not try.

Aside from all the expectations associated with this piece, throw in my mild case of stage fright. I don't know when it began, but I've had performance anxiety for at least a couple of years. It is really, REALLY annoying. My hands turn to ice and then start to sweat, my heart races uncontrollably, and most recently, I developed a tremor in my right leg--the one that controls the pedal.

But last Friday night, standing backstage, wrapped in a piano-themed fuzzy blanket, and clutching my Hot Hands for dear life, I felt a never-before-experienced wave of calm wash over my entire body. This happened in the very moments before the stage manager, Ms. Mary, told me it was time to shed my blanket and ditch the Hot Hands. 

And, I don't even know how to describe what happened next...except that I played that piano into. the. ground. If only you could have seen it.

I'm working on finding video evidence. Until I do, I'm holding onto what it felt like to completely lose myself in the piece--something I do regularly in my own home--in front of such a large audience. There were no sticky fingers, no shaky leg, no little voice in my head reminding me that all eyes are on me. The only little voice I heard was the one that said "um, this is really, really good"at some point near the end of the piece.

I finished and took my bow. By the time I stepped off stage, I was in tears. So many tears. So many happy tears. I proved to myself that I AM an excellent pianist. And, regardless of the outcome, I did all I really came there to do.

24 hours from the time I cried my happy tears, I cried sad ones. The new Miss Kentucky was crowned and it wasn't me. Nor would it ever be. I had exhausted my chances; competed for the very last time. I couldn't believe it was over, but right below the sadness, there was a sense of contentedness I never expected to feel. And in another 24 hours, I had already cried over it for the last time.

The thing about it matter how hard I worked, and how "ready" I was, the decision was ultimately left up to the opinions of the five people given the task of selecting Miss Kentucky 2014. There was literally not ONE thing I would have done differently or could have done better. I showed up. I performed. And I killed it. Zero regrets had here.

There are SO many people to thank...not for my successes, but for simply BEING THERE. There isn't enough room to start here. Perhaps, I'll make room for a special Tuesday blog post? Yes? YES.

With that being said, CONGRATULATIONS to the new Miss Kentucky, Ramsey Carpenter! She has an incredible year ahead of her. I wish her safe travels and the best of luck as she tours the Bluegrass as our state's representative. Oh, and not to mention, as she hits the road for Atlantic City to compete for the title of Miss America 2015!!!
My favorite picture of us!

I want to take this time to S/O to the people that made my week FUN! Here are a few, but by no means all, of the girl(friends) who have left giant ole' footprints on my healing heart. I've never laughed so hard in such a stressful environment. I'm forever indebted to you!

My roommate, Kathleen!

Live Love Local advocate and friend, Hillary!

Ashley, Ramsey, and I posing for a picture at the UK Children's Miracle Network Hospital.

April, Miranda, and I after the Dillard's Fashion Show...before 'The Pub' pasta happened.

Accepting our Duke of Edinburgh Award Medals on Friday Night

On Sunday, July 13th, I hung out with the coolest second family I could ask for. They have served as cheerleaders, life coaches, friends, and exercise buddies. On Sunday, they took my mind off everything pageant-related and helped me spend the first day of the rest of my life in total relaxation! I had a wonderful time with them exploring the Henry Clay Estate in Lexington.

REUNITED! With both Daniel AND Ski.


As it turns out, I'm right where I need to be. I'm making plans and setting new goals, and am excited for a road trip with THIS GUY (^^^) scheduled for late August.

It shall be great.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Thanks to this blog...

Happy 4th of July!!! I hope you had a fantastic week and all your wildest dreams came true. 

tried to bring y'all a gorgeous sunrise last Friday, but technology wasn't on my team. It is a rare occurrence that I should rise before the sun, but thanks to this blog, I have seen the sun rise two Fridays in a row. Maybe I'll make it a tradition? 

Probably not, but it is a lovely thought. 

Any who, here is proof of my good intentions between the hours of 5:00-6:00 am last Friday! 

BEAUTIFUL, amirite?


This Friday, I'm celebrating America's Independence by packing my life away for Miss Kentucky week. If I paint my nails red, does that count? 

Between last minute preparation and packing, my mom and I caught some pictures of a really cool 4th of July event in Campbellsville: Hot Air Balloon Glow and Extravaganza. 

I read a book called The 21 Balloons in 6th grade. It is such a magical story that I have read and re-read this book as an adult more than once. Ever since the first reading at age 12, I have been fascinated by and terrified of hot air balloons. Last night and this morning I got a closer look at them, and...still fascinated. Still terrified. Shout out to Connie for snapping these pics!

Carrying Connie's camera bag while she does the work

All that was last night. This morning, BRIGHT AND EARLY, mom and I went back to Campbellsville to see the balloons lift off! 
Connie's lazy sidekick again


I should host a "caption this picture" contest...I"m sure you're all thinking what I'm thinking...

This was seriously a sight to see! I am glad I got to do something a little out of the ordinary, and especially glad my mom made sure I didn't sleep through this one. 

As I prepare to leave for Miss Kentucky week on Sunday, I can't say for sure whether you'll hear from me next Friday. But, I can say, one way or another, I"ll have something worth reading on Friday, July 18th. 

GOODBYE! See you soon!

May you all have a wonderful day and evening filled with patriotic activities, hot dogs, fireworks, and everything red, white, and blue in the greatest country in the world. I will do my best to make y'all proud this week! Say a little prayer for me on July 9th as I interview for a pretty special job. To stay updated, like the Miss Kentucky Pageant Facebook page