I have had this post in the works since week 1 of KileyinKentucky.
Jessica Pepperman, a young lady after my own heart, has been following this blog all the way from Granada, Spain! This lovely gal is from Summersville, Kentucky: Population 700. A student of Spanish at the University of Louisville, she just completed 3 months of a 7 month study abroad program in Spain. While she is home for Christmas, I snagged her for a few hours and picked her brain to see what she misses most about Her Old Kentucky Home.
Our original plan for a coffee date turned into lunch when Greensburg's only coffee shop was closed. It wasn't until the chips and salsa were placed at our table at the local Mexican restaurant that the irony fell on me.
KinKY: So, I realize I just brought you to a Mexican restaurant and you've been eating Spanish cuisine for 3 months. How does this compare?
JP: (Laughs) Well, I lived in the South, in Granada. They have a lot of seafood. I didn’t get to have much because my roommate had a phobia of fish (I laugh). So, we never had it in my household. But, if we went out to a restaurant you could get seafood paella. Paella is the main dish in Spain--if you're a tourist, you're going to get paella! I went to Valencia, an Eastern city on the Mediterranean Sea. They are the people that “founded” paella...I got to eat it there and it was incredible. It was just fantastic. Other than that I didn’t eat anything spectacular.
JP: (Laughs) Well, I lived in the South, in Granada. They have a lot of seafood. I didn’t get to have much because my roommate had a phobia of fish (I laugh). So, we never had it in my household. But, if we went out to a restaurant you could get seafood paella. Paella is the main dish in Spain--if you're a tourist, you're going to get paella! I went to Valencia, an Eastern city on the Mediterranean Sea. They are the people that “founded” paella...I got to eat it there and it was incredible. It was just fantastic. Other than that I didn’t eat anything spectacular.
KinKY: Really??? (Gasp!)
JP: …Which is unfortunate. But I still have another semester. And I’m actually not living in the same household when I go back.
JP: …Which is unfortunate. But I still have another semester. And I’m actually not living in the same household when I go back.
KinKY: Where will you be living next semester?
JP: I’m moving into a residencia. I’ll be living with other students who are also studying in Spain. It’ll be a lot of fun. I can’t wait to go back!
JP: I’m moving into a residencia. I’ll be living with other students who are also studying in Spain. It’ll be a lot of fun. I can’t wait to go back!
KinKY: What’s been the craziest part about coming home?
JP: When I first came home…within 24 hours, I had people I didn’t know coming up to me and asking me how my trip was. Some of these people I have never met in my life. I wish I had known them because I hate the thought of someone approaching me and being so genuine and me not having a clue about them. It’s overwhelming. Here, if people don’t know you directly, they know your family. And that alone is enough of a reason for them to approach me and say “Oh, how was your trip to Spain?” Everyone in Green County knows and loves everyone. It makes me think, why would you ever leave? Ms. Weddle (the amazing Spanish teacher at GCHS) told me that the only way to know your home country is to leave it. And that is so true. I wanted to leave this place. I’ve always had this itch to find myself somewhere else…but I realize now, I don’t have to go anywhere. It’s right here, you just don’t appreciate it until you leave.
JP: When I first came home…within 24 hours, I had people I didn’t know coming up to me and asking me how my trip was. Some of these people I have never met in my life. I wish I had known them because I hate the thought of someone approaching me and being so genuine and me not having a clue about them. It’s overwhelming. Here, if people don’t know you directly, they know your family. And that alone is enough of a reason for them to approach me and say “Oh, how was your trip to Spain?” Everyone in Green County knows and loves everyone. It makes me think, why would you ever leave? Ms. Weddle (the amazing Spanish teacher at GCHS) told me that the only way to know your home country is to leave it. And that is so true. I wanted to leave this place. I’ve always had this itch to find myself somewhere else…but I realize now, I don’t have to go anywhere. It’s right here, you just don’t appreciate it until you leave.
KinKY: What are some things you really missed while in Spain?
KinKY: Having visited Europe, I know Europeans are nothing like Americans...especially us Southerners. What is different about the people of Spain in comparison to Kentuckians?
JP. It’s weird…there is kind of this personal bubble everyone has around them in America. It’s an unspoken rule not to invade that bubble. When people do, it’s taboo. They don’t have that in Spain. It is perfectly normal for someone you have just met to stand extremely close to you or even touch you... which, I will never get used to. Aside from that, people look angry walking down the street. They don’t smile. You don’t make eye contact. If you do either of those things, it sends the wrong message. Here, if you don’t speak to someone, you’re the angry one. Especially if it’s someone you know. You NEVER walk right past someone you know.
KinKY: You got that right, sister.
I think she may be on to something, here.
I'm sending well wishes to her as she prepares to spend another 4 months in Spain. Let's all pray this child gets some good ole' Spanish food and has the time of her life.
Besides Spain, we chatted about a little bit of everything and cleaned our plates. Before ending our 2 hour lunch, Ms. Pepperman struck a chord in me with this:
JP: Living in Spain is a good experience. I’m so glad I’m doing it. I’ve been to 5 countries in a matter of 3 months, pretty much by myself. There are many people that never get to experience that, and coming from a small town...getting to say I did it is incredible. The Spanish 3 class at the high school sent me a card in Spain. Every one of them wrote “I’m jealous.” And I wanted to scream… “NO! You are me. I came from the same place you did, had that same high school class, I’m not a rich kid. I grew up on a farm. Anyone can do this, you just have to have the drive.”
Now, I'll give your eyes a break. Jessica is not only an extremely wise and fascinating young woman, but she happens to be a very talented photographer as well. I perused her collection of pictures from Spain, and a few from Rome, Italy, to share with y'all...
I'm sending well wishes to her as she prepares to spend another 4 months in Spain. Let's all pray this child gets some good ole' Spanish food and has the time of her life.